With a global vision, we contribute to society through business activities that are full of creativity and foresight.
We respond to customers' needs sincerely and enthusiastically, and try to be a leader in the industry with our motto "the dedicated business group."
Under healthy prosperity, we try to be a company that pursues dreams and purposes of life.
KGK's vision
As a general machine trading company flying through the future with "Kotozukuri (opportunity creation)" by global expansion, we are working to achieve the following visions.
■We will become the only professional group that provides the best solutions as an organization consisting of the machine tool business, industrial machine business, energy and environmental business, and engineering functions.
■With a global vision, we will respond to a wide range of needs such as materials, processing equipment, environmental measures, and new energy sources.
■We will pursue stable revenues with compliance-based management.
With a global vision, we contribute to society through business activities that are full of creativity and foresight.
We respond to customers' needs sincerely and enthusiastically, and try to be a leader in the industry with our motto "the dedicated business group."
Under healthy prosperity, we try to be a company that pursues dreams and purposes of life.